2022 food and beverage industry trends

2022 food and beverage industry trends

Which food and beverage products will consumers be going wild for in 2022? 


Restaurants and bars may be tentatively open, but many consumers are choosing to play it safe and treat themselves at home. As a result, premium chocolate and confectionery brands are likely to see strong sales this year. 

Premium beers and sparkling wine 

For the same reasons, many people are opting to entertain small groups of friends in their living rooms rather than head out to crowded nightspots, leading to increasing interest in higher quality, more sophisticated beverages such as craft beers. 

Takeaways and delivery

Consumers used to the speed and convenience of delivery probably won’t be giving up their apps any time soon. We’re likely to see more and more food and beverage micropurchases, as increasingly sophisticated food packaging makes it possible to deliver perishable items safely and in perfect condition. 

Health and sustainability

The events of the past two years have made consumers increasingly health-conscious, leading many to opt for organic, locally grown produce. At the same time, people are paying more and more attention to the environmental credentials of the companies they buy from. 

We produce a range of food packaging solutions that offer performance, 100% recyclability and the high quality look and feel associated with premium brands. To find out more, get in touch with our team!