AR Metallizing's response to COVID-19

AR Metallizing's response to COVID-19

Our commitment to employee safety and our dedication to meeting the needs of our customers and partners

Just like our customers, partners and contacts, the past few weeks have seen AR Metallizing experience a truly unprecedented situation as the Coronavirus has spread throughout the world. As governments have moved to slow the spread of the virus, we have seen exceptional new measures implemented which have changed the way we all work.

We support these wholeheartedly.

Today, all our 5 factories worldwide remain open under strict new rules, as we look to continue to work and do our part to fight the spread of the virus, while continue to provide packaging components needed for vital goods.

As a manufacturing business, we are used to focusing on the safety and security of our team and work environment. It is a practice that has helped our team adapt quickly and effectively in the past few weeks as we have moved to implement vigorous hygiene and social distancing rules in our factories. These measures are undertaken in line with the advice and regulations of each local authority.

We are incredibly proud of our teams working across the world, but particularly those who have continued to operate our production lines and other key roles in our factories, physically coming to work every day. The team’s dedication to their work and the composure with which they have carried out their tasks in these uncertain times is truly inspiring.

These are certainly challenging times, and we know we can expect them to continue for some time still. We are committed to working with diligence and dedication throughout the entirety of this period. We thank our employees who do such a fantastic job, and the customers and partners we work with for their ongoing trust and confidence in our abilities.