Beyond aesthetics: what differentiates premium packaging?

Beyond aesthetics: what differentiates premium packaging?

Until relatively recently, the “premium” aspect of premium packaging was mainly aesthetic.

Creators of luxury goods such as cosmetics, perfumes, high-end tech or confectionery would signify the opulence of their products through specific colour palettes, metallics, embossing and rich textures. While that’s still the case, the word “premium” has come to include other factors that are strongly associated with high quality, such as sustainability, innovation and functionality. 



Customers are willing to pay more for sustainable packaging

Sustainability is increasingly recognised as a major differentiator for a wide variety of products. But did you know that consumers are also prepared to pay more for sustainable packaging? According to a recent survey, 74% of people would pay more for products that come in environmentally friendly packaging, and two out of three reckon that  “environmentally friendly, recyclable packaging” is important. What’s more, luxury and sustainability have one major thing in common: a strong belief in creating durable, timeless products that won’t go out of fashion by this time next week. 


Working to create innovative solutions

Developing increasingly innovative solutions for packaging that leaves its mark aesthetically but not environmentally is a major focus at the moment. Here at Nissha Metallizing Solutions, we have perfected the art of metallized vacuum vaporisation, which involves vaporising a microscopically thin layer of aluminium onto plain paper in order to provide it with exemplary durability and performance. This enables us to provide companies with packaging that not only looks good, but also meets their customers’ needs in terms of recyclability and performance. To find out more, get in touch with our team.