Can online shopping be eco-friendly?

Can online shopping be eco-friendly?

The rise of e-commerce over the past few years is good news for consumers who like to shop from the comfort of their own homes and for brands seeking to reach new markets. But is online shopping good for the planet? According to recent reports, packaging waste has boomed over the past year. Added to this, online shopping means that the issue of packaging is more visible to consumers than it was when waste disposal was the responsibility of store personnel. This puts increasing pressure on brands to reduce the environmental impact of their e-commerce activities.

E-commerce board box


Fortunately, there are steps brands can take to ensure their packaging doesn’t go to landfill. As environmental concerns ramp up worldwide, packaging companies are offering more and more options when it comes to compostable, biodegradable and recyclable materials. What’s more, sustainability no longer means having to compromise on technical performance or visual appeal. AR Metallizing’s metallized paperboard and litho lamination solutions offer similar technical abilities and looks to composite materials containing plastics while being 100% recyclable. Get in touch with our team to find out more.