Can takeaway ever be truly zero-waste?

Can takeaway ever be truly zero-waste?

Consumers are increasingly looking for sustainable, eco-friendly brand experiences. But is that possible when it comes to takeaway, the ultimate quick and accessible dining option?

In order to seduce consumers and stand out in an increasingly competitive landscape, quick service restaurants need to offer packaging solutions that are sustainable, but also convenient and effective. Here are some of the options:

Returnable packaging

Over the past few years, increasing numbers of quick service restaurants catering mainly for local clientele have started to offer returnable packaging. Dishes are provided in containers made of reusable materials such as glass, and consumers usually pay a small deposit that is returned when they bring the container back. For maximum efficiency and consumer appeal, returnable packaging should offer similar functionality and convenience to disposable packaging, i.e be stackable, microwavable and leak-resistant.

Compostable and biodegradable packaging

Compostable and biodegradable packaging are made from materials that are able to disintegrate back into nature without releasing harmful substances. The main difference between the two is that compostable materials require at-home or commercial composting facilities, while biodegradable packaging breaks down naturally. Packaging solutions are based on a combination of materials that can include paper, sugarcane, polylactic acid, vegetable or water-based inks and/or cellulose films.

Recyclable packaging

Recycling does not technically eliminate waste, but integrates it into an all-round circular approach. Nonetheless, it is considered part of the zero-waste hierarchy. However, the wide range of materials that make up food packaging solutions mean that commercial recycling streams are oftentimes plagued with inefficiencies. This means that many products that are technically recyclable, such as some plastics, often end up in landfill.

A fully recyclable monomaterial, metallized paper offers performance, temperature control and efficiency comparable to multilayer food packaging solutions. Its glossy good looks furthermore contribute to a premium takeaway dining experience. Find out more about Nissha Metallizing Solutions’ food packaging range here.