Company Visit from Secondary School

Company Visit from Secondary School

Some time ago, we were contacted by Sint-Augustinus Institute from Bree, a secondary school, inquiring if we were open to a company visit at our Belgian site. We gladly accepted their request, and we are pleased to report that the visit was a resounding success.

A group of approximately ten enthusiastic students from the fifth year were warmly welcomed by Dirk, Chris, and Tine. We began the day with an engaging presentation about our company and the production process, followed by a tour of the factory. Dirk, Gijs, and Gert-Jan led small groups of students, each providing a guided tour. There was great interest and numerous questions from the students.

Following the factory tour, we continued the presentation with explanations about our sustainable projects and new product developments. As the students are pursuing an economic study program, they were also interested in learning about our overall company structure, interdepartmental collaboration, international presence, and financial figures.



To conclude the day and ensure everyone had been attentive, we had prepared an online quiz. The quiz was received with much enthusiasm, fostering a healthy dose of competitiveness. Jun emerged as the winner, and he was rewarded with a box of chocolates, of course, wrapped in metallized paper!

We would like to extend our gratitude to Sint-Augustinus Institute from Bree for their interest and enthusiasm during the visit. It was a pleasure to host this motivated and inquisitive group of students. We hope they had an inspiring and educational day, and we look forward to exploring possibilities for future collaboration.

Thanks to Dirk, Chris, Tine, Gijs, Gert-Jan, and the entire team for your dedication in making this company visit a success. You provided our guests with an unforgettable experience and ignited their passion for the world of economics. Let us continue investing in the youth and nurturing their potential, as they are the future.