Custom holography

Custom holography

Our custom holography is totally unique to each customer. Adding instant shelf appeal and differentiating a product, custom holography is increasingly popular. It can also acts as a counterfeit deterrent, without detracting from the premium look of a brand.

AR Metallizing's custom holography

Custom holography (which is totally unique) can be created to differentiate a brand's packaging or labels, providing unique shelf appeal. Our specialist creative services team produce custom holograms to fit an application's design requirements.

Custom holography can be created to differentiate your package, providing unique shelf appeal. AR Metallizing provide application, design, prototyping and photography services.  We can also advise on inks and using white ink layers to boost shelf appeal.

We provide two different types of custom holography:

  • Repeatable wallpaper pattern: this is a custom, repeatable all over pattern over the paper. This works on sheet fed and roll red presses.
  • 'Print To Register' patterns: this works specifically with the artwork and has designs specific to certain sections of the packaging.  This only works for sheet fed presses as a press sheet layout is needed to ensure that the hologram is sitting on the sheet exactly how the printer needs it. 

Custom holography can simultaneously boost shelf appeal and support anti-counterfeiting measures

Counterfeited products and forged merchandise entering the market in competition with a company’s genuine goods can present a considerable challenge for brands the world over. Incorporating holography onto packaging can offer a simple, quick and economical solution for many brands looking to make it as difficult as possible for potential counterfeiters to copy their packaging. At the same time, integrating holography also presents consumers with easily recognizable packaging that they can check features to verify they are buying a genuine article.

Holography also adds instant shelf appeal and premiumization to packaging and labels.