Earth day USA

Earth day USA

Earth Day is a national holiday occurring on April 22 of each year. Franklin celebrated a day early on Friday, April 21.

NMS US partnered with the Town of Franklin to support an Earth Day cleanup. Approximately 21 members of the “Nissha Green Team” assembled to collect 19 bags of trash, plus some additional “rogue” items including several propane tanks, from an area within the office park. Following the cleanup, a Potluck lunch was held. It’s always fun to sample our colleagues’ home cooking, as we have some great cooks within the company! 



In addition, raffle tickets were sold and fun prizes awarded, including a Smart TV, gift cards, and some tech gadgets. Through the raffle ticket sales the site raised $670 which was donated to the Mass Audubon Society, the largest nature-based conservation organization in New England. Donations to the organization support ongoing wildlife and habitat conservation work across Massachusetts.

earth day pic