Eco-friendly chocolate wrapping: close to our hearts this Valentine’s Day

Eco-friendly chocolate wrapping: close to our hearts this Valentine’s Day

While consumer demand is driving change in the packaging and labelling industry, most understand that switching to sustainable materials isn’t a quick process. Companies are moving quickly, but there are a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration. 

Sustainable, metallized paper chocolate wrap

Chocolate is the perfect example: eco-friendly wrapping materials might be a key priority, but so is visual appeal and technical properties.

Many chocolate producers have marketed their products around a rich, decadent and premium product, and glossy, shiny looks for chocolate wrapping are a firm preference for consumers and the brand itself. Especially for larger, multinational companies that have household-name chocolate brands, moving towards recyclable packaging for chocolate can’t come at the cost of the premium look of their chocolate bars, nor at the expense of losing the technical properties of the wrapping that protect their goods before and after sale.

While most chocolate producers are keen to move to eco-friendly packaging, particularly those manufacturers that have used PET in the past are eager to maintain ‘one-stop-shop’ wrapping.  Speed, convenience and the trend towards simpler, less wasteful packaging lead the trend. 
Working with a trusted producer who has the right equipment, qualifications and understanding of how to produce packaging for direct food contact is also a key consideration for brands looking to make changes to their packaging supply chain.

We produce metallized papers, approved for direct food contact. Our paper-based products are eco-friendly, recyclable and yet also offer the glossy, premium, high-quality looks favored by brands and consumers. As well as visual appeal, our chocolate wrappers have the needed barrier properties, are recyclable and are approved for direct food contact.