Elevating chocolate packaging with metallized paper sleeves

Elevating chocolate packaging with metallized paper sleeves



Chocolate addiction isn’t a new phenomenon: historians have found evidence of cocoa-based foods and medicines dating back several millennia. Cocoa was first used by ancient South American civilizations, and is transformed using sugar and spices to create the indulgent chocolate treats we’re familiar with today. 

The way we consume chocolate has evolved considerably over the centuries, with today’s consumers focusing on indulgent, healthy (or healthier) and ethical experiences. According to research, the organic chocolate market is set to grow by 127.31 million dollars by 2024. At the same time, fair trade, vegan and dairy-free chocolate are all gaining in popularity. 

chocolate wrap


However, ethically-minded consumers aren’t just looking at the chocolate itself: they also want to be sure that the packaging isn’t contributing to landfills. Our metallized label paper for chocolate bar outer wrap not only looks beautiful, it also meets WMU Phase 1 recyclability standards and is made from FSC-certified paper. What’s more, it can be easily incorporated into existing supply chains and is suitable for high converting speeds.