Five unexpected sustainable packaging innovations
Good news: Sustainably-minded innovators are coming up with increasingly creative - and sometimes unexpected - ideas for packaging solutions that fit into a circular, minimal waste approach, a vibrant and exciting movement that Nissha Metallizing Solutions is pleased to be part of.
Here are five packaging solutions based on less-than-common materials:
1 - Paper cosmetic tubes
Paper is far from an uncommon packaging material, but when it comes to cosmetics, its uses as primary packaging is still quite limited. Sustainable solutions for secondary packaging include folding boxes, paper tubes and jars made out of recyclable paper-based materials, but some environmentally-conscious brands are taking things a step further. According to researchers, oil- and liquid-resistant primary paperboard tubes for cosmetics and personal care products could reduce the use of plastics by up to 70%.

2 - Plantable seed packaging
Compostable packaging, which is designed to disintegrate back into the environment without releasing harmful chemicals, has been around for a while now. Plantable packaging is a fun alternative that enables consumers to take things a step further: it decomposes in a similar way and contains seeds that flourish into herbs or flowers.

3 - Seaweed packaging
What if instead of throwing packaging away, we could just… Eat it? A number of start-ups are exploring edible and compostable seaweed-based packaging as a promising alternative to plastics. The plant grows in both fresh and saltwater, degrades in just four weeks, and is both a soil ameliorant and a good source of fibre and vitamins for humans.

4 - Cow manure packaging
It’s well known by the agriculture industry and amateur gardeners alike that cow manure makes excellent fertiliser, but did you know it can also be used to create 100% biodegradable and compostable packaging corners? “CowPots” were originally conceived as seed-starting pots that break down four times faster than other products on the market, but have since been approved for other functions, including secondary food packaging by the FDA.

5 - Bottles made of fishing nets
Every year, up to half a million tons of fishing nets are abandoned in the ocean. Rather than letting them go to landfill, companies are collecting fishing nets (which are primarily made of HDPE, a material used in various packaging solutions) and other waste from the industry including ropes and trawls, to create packaging for cosmetics, personal care and household cleaning products.

Looking for eco-friendly-packaging solutions to help your company uphold its sustainability commitments? The Nissha Metallizing team would be happy to help you explore solutions that are right for your brand. Get in touch today!