How does AR Metallizing support the supply chain with additional functionality for packaging and labels?

How does AR Metallizing support the supply chain with additional functionality for packaging and labels?

1. Product Development

Metallized papers provide various barrier properties. With their metallized layer, our papers have good barriers for light, and with special coatings, we offer additional barrier properties. 

‘Customers approach us and ask if we can support manufacturing a specialized paper for a specific use. They might be looking for specific functionality or barrier properties. As more companies look to shift towards recyclable packaging, many are finding that ready-to-go solutions don’t exist in the market. A firm like AR Metallizing who have a dedicated in-house Research and Development team is often crucial to moving the process along and finding the solution that these brands need.’

Valeria Rasetto, Product Development Manager, AR Metallizing in Italy.

2. Specialized support for printers and converters

Switching to sustainable packaging is often a lengthy process and one which isn’t as simple as people outside the industry think it is. 

While all players in the supply chain are usually keen to switch to recyclable materials, machinery, set up, paper type, speed, functionality and runnability – amongst others – all need to be considered. 

As part of any switch to a sustainable material, our Research and Development team will consider several different factors with a brand’s trusted printers and converters.

‘We approach the supply chain with a mindset to provide active support to help integrate our products onto printing and converting machinery. Our R&D team is often very active in providing support and assistance from a technical standpoint. We will also adapt our papers to optimize them for the supply chain and their machinery as and when needed. Our dedication and the availability of our R&D team for our partners in the supply chain is part of what sets us apart in the industry.’

Daniela Mondelli, R&D Director.

3. Ability to scale

Scale and the ability to provide large quantities can sometimes be a challenge when it comes to sustainable packaging. 

Recyclable materials may be available, but if they are to be used by more substantial brands with global operations, a supplier needs to be able to produce at a scale that can keep up significant output.  

‘As a global producer with a robust supply chain, our partners can rely on us to provide the materials they need. AR Metallizing’s balance between having global operations but also localized plants plays to the advantage of our partners and customers. Regional production means that we’re close by, but there’s always the larger production which we can fall back on in unexpected circumstances. During the pandemic the mix between local and global was comforting to our customers as they knew we could keep up with production,’ says Daniela.

4. Feasibility & Testing

While end-users, printers and converters approach us with a potential application in mind, they don’t always know if our metallized paper will work with the packaging or label. Metallized paper holds a lot of appeal because it offers shelf appeal, functionality and is generally recyclable.  The mix of these features makes it a very attractive material. At the same time, while printers, converters and brands know that metallized paper is likely to be a viable option, the theory still needs to be tested. 

‘AR Metallizing’s Research and Development team will put forward a design and metallized paper for the suggested application. We then make a prototype which includes lab-created samples which are evaluated under TAPPI, ISO or ASTM methods to see if our papers are compatible for the application,’ says Valeria.

The art of metallizing

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