How to use your labels to drive sales

How to use your labels to drive sales

Did you know that you only have two to five seconds to make an impression on consumers browsing supermarket shelves?

Labels play a big role in creating shelf (or screen) appeal, and it’s important that yours have what it takes to make a big impact. 




Here are three steps to capitalise on your labels and use them to drive sales:

  1. Grab people’s attention: glossy metallic effects will literally give you extra time with a potential buyer, as studies have shown that people will look several times and for longer at metallized packaging. Ensure that your labels are as eye-catching as possible - within reason! - and people won’t be able to look away. 
  2. Spark brand recognition: make sure that consumers recognise the product as part of an existing line by leveraging previous design work, including fonts, colour schemes and illustrations. Switching to a limited-edition seasonal range? Work with a trusted partner who is accustomed to helping companies create seasonal packaging concepts with minimal disruption. 
  3. Design for your target market: label design should be carefully grounded in market research. Nowadays, sustainability and recyclability are major differentiators for consumers, but don’t panic - nowadays, eco-friendly label stock doesn’t mean having to compromise on design. Nissha Metalizing Solutions offers a range of metallized paper-based pressure sensitive, general, wet-strength and in-mold labels that combine performance, design and recyclability.  Get in touch with our team to find out more!