Is it ever too early to start thinking about ice-cream?

Is it ever too early to start thinking about ice-cream?

It may be only February, but those with a sweet tooth will have noticed their favourite ice-cream brands already making their way back to the freezer aisle. And alongside an array of increasingly inventive options when it comes to flavour and ingredient profiles, ice-cream companies are getting creative when it comes to their packaging. After all, it stands to reason that ethically-minded consumers opting for dairy-free or seasonal products in order to reduce their carbon footprint will also take packaging sustainability into account when choosing their frozen treats. 

ice cream


Ice-cream packaging requires a careful balance when it comes to sustainability and performance, as products need to be able to stand up to punishing transport conditions, freezing temperatures and moisture. But does opting for one mean compromising on the other? 

While ice-cream packaging has traditionally used composite materials containing plastics to guarantee effective barrier performance, more sustainable alternatives are now available. Our metallized paper-based packaging for ice-cream cones, sorbets and popsicles are 100% recyclable and contain no hidden plastics, while offering comparable barrier properties and design flexibility to composites. Treat your brand to a brand new look that’s in line with your sustainability commitments just in time for the summer season!