It’s 2023: let’s talk about snail mail

It’s 2023: let’s talk about snail mail

December is traditionally associated with Christmas cards and hand-written thank you notes. But the start of the new year doesn’t have to mean exclusively reverting to email and messaging apps. Direct mail may feel old-fashioned, but it’s still as relevant as ever. 

Here are some reasons to take a trip to the post box in 2023:

  • Direct mail can be guilt-free: paper is a highly sustainable base material. The paper-making process is one of the least damaging manufacturing processes, and the product itself is easily recyclable. 
  • Mail has a touch of old-fashioned glamour: metallized or holographic paper enables brands to create bold, eye-catching looks and is just as recyclable as its base material. Our metallized envelopes can improve opening rates by up to 30%
  • Physical mail enables brands to stand out from the crowd, but can be made part of an omnichannel strategy through QR codes and analytics.
  • Finally, direct mail does a great job at reaching consumers affected by online ad fatigue. 


Interested in seeing what direct mail could look like for your brand? Try out our interactive 3D viewer