It’s July, shall we talk about the holidays?

It’s July, shall we talk about the holidays?

In July, most of us are thinking about our summer vacation (or a mid-winter break, in the southern hemisphere). For brands, designers, printers and converters though, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about the holidays. 

Festive designs

In July, we’re often contacted by brands or printers who want to revamp packaging to enjoy the cheerful spirit of seasonal holiday sales.

‘Brands want to bring  exciting and engaging looks to their packaging in time for the holidays.’

‘Incorporating metallized or holographic papers is ideal. We add sparkle, cheer and rich colors to labels and packaging. Our papers make products ‘pop’ on the shelf in time for the holidays," says Lindsey Barbee, National Account Manager, AR Metallizing.

Seasonal packaging or labels may only run for 4-6 weeks over the holiday period. Afterwards, the brand will revert to its usual packaging material.



Practical considerations and easy implementation

Performance within the existing supply chain is one of the biggest concerns for brand owners when considering alternative holiday packaging substrates.

‘A key benefit of metallized paper is that it gives packaging a different look, without needing to change partners in the supply chain. Our products run similar to coated papers. Both printers and converters are familiar with our products. Even machine set up is the same,’ explains Wendy Cross, Sales & Business Development Director North America.

For brands who haven’t launched festive packaging or labels before, switching designs and materials can be nerve-wracking. We work hard to calm any nerves and troubleshoot ahead of time. 

‘We understand the concerns of brands. We know that time is of the essence, as brand owners and designers work to bring exciting concepts to life in innovative holiday packaging.  By starting the process in July, there’s plenty of time to support their creative team with idea generation and concept mock-ups.. We’re very experienced in running these types of projects and work closely all parties within the supply chain to ensure they’re a success,’ says Lindsey.


Holography works well during the holidays for packaging, showcasing products as a one of a kind or limited edition gift.

‘Using our holographic papers, brands can set themselves apart. Brands can create their own patterns, or select from our robust HoloPRISMpattern library, which is full of festive designs, including snow and snowflakes! Holography tends to be very popular during the holiday period, and we see brands take full advantage of the extra-special looks it offers,’ says Wendy. 

Benefit from boosted shelf appeal

While metallized labels and packaging adds a festive flair to products, brands can also enjoy greater shelf appeal. 

Metallized and holographic papers are naturally glossy and attract consumers eyes on the shelf. Brands can benefit from exciting new looks and renewed interest in their products. 

Starbuck Holiday Red cups
“Famous red cups proudly wrapped by AR Metallizing”