Meet the shift - Warehouse team Belgium

Meet the shift - Warehouse team Belgium

Helmut Feyaerts, Warehouse Supervisor retires today, after 34 years with the company. On his last shift, he told us about his role and the responsibilities of the warehouse team in Belgium.

We are responsible for all the supplies (varnish, paper, ethyl acetate, relief supplies and finished products for customers) that come in and out of Genk.

Our team consists of five people and our ‘men’s team’ has recently been strengthened by Monique  Mertens. Our greatest asset is our many years of experience…more than a hundred between us, and two people who have been with the company since it started! 

Meet the shift - Warehouse team Belgium
From left to right: Erik Henkens, Benjamin Bijnens, Didier De Hondt, Monique Mertens, Helmut Feyaerts

Our personalities match well and in case of problems we come together to solve any issues, and agreements are always made. Our team is a close group that has a good feeling and sometimes drinks a beer together after work. 

Unfortunately, I will leave the group: after 34 years of sharing joys and sorrows, I have reached the age at which I can enjoy a well-earned retirement. 

Didier de Hondt will take over from me and I am sure that he will carry out his tasks with complete dedication!