Metallized paper functionality

Metallized paper functionality

The advantages of mono-material metallized papers

The metallized looks of our papers aren’t achieved by laminating. Instead, the base paper is coated, and even with our iconic metallized layer, our products remain paper. The thin aluminum layer doesn’t change the properties of the paper or make it into a different material.

Coatings typically account for less than 5% of the total paper weight. The vacuum applied metallized layer is just 20-30 nanometers (200-300 angstrom) thick. Around 800-1000 times thinner than the usual Aluminum foil you use.

To understand more about our papers from an ecological perspective, we have performed extensive life-cycle analysis of our papers to assess their environmental impact. Results suggest that our papers use less energy to produce than some multi-layer alternatives (including the mining of raw materials, transportation etc.) Supporting ecological considerations, our papers also require less energy for the converting process. As a mono-material, they are easier to recycle and similarly, are energy-efficient to recycle in comparison to some multi-layer materials.

Increasingly, more efficient and low waste processes are essential for the packaging and labelling industry as the supply chain looks to embrace eco-friendlier materials. As a recyclable mono-material, AR Metallizing’s papers support a more sustainable and efficient solution than some multi-layer materials.

Barrier properties

Our papers offer different barrier properties, and increasingly these present stand-alone benefits for end-users and their supply chain, regardless of other advantages like shelf appeal. Our papers naturally offer good barriers for light, but with special coatings, we offer additional, more specialized barriers too, such as barriers for grease or water moisture. 

The result is that for specific applications (in a variety of industries, but particularly for food both for direct and indirect contact with consumable goods) using our metallized papers offer sustainable, functional and visual benefits.  

Barrier properties enhance the technical features of our products and mean that brands can combine shelf appeal and premiumization with functional packaging that can support freshness, aroma and taste retention, guarding against moisture and so on.  

When it comes to food packaging, there tends not to be a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. In essence, different types of foods have different packaging requirements. That said, with excellent barrier properties, the fact that our papers are easy to recycle and offer visual appeal makes metallized papers particularly sought-after as sustainable materials.  

Food packaging collage


Feasibility and testing

Customers or parties in the supply chain approach us when they have a potential application for which they’d like to consider metallized paper. They may want to use metallized paper for aesthetic reasons, functionality or a mixture of both, but often the change is motivated by a desire to see if our papers are suitable substitutes for multi-layer materials. 

Whatever the rationale, our Research and Development team propose a design for the suggested application and then make prototype lab-made samples which are evaluated under TAPPI, ISO or ASTM methods to see if our papers are compatible for the application and/or as a replacement for the with exiting multi-material option.  

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