Packaging Design Day

Packaging Design Day

Today is Packaging Design Day in the US. To celebrate, we explored some of 2020’s top trends in packaging design.

litho lam box



Sustainability is nothing new, and both designers and brands are focusing on creating packaging that is sustainable, practical and, naturally, looks fantastic.

Today’s best packaging incorporates the different elements, while supporting the price of the product and increasing shelf appeal.

As consumers become more aware of environmental issues caused by excessive packaging waste or single use packaging made from materials that can’t be recycled, composted or which are biodegradable, they are increasingly vocal about asking brands for packaging that supports this. As a result, designers and companies are looking to incorporate sustainable materials into packaging as soon as possible.

The trend towards sustainable packaging encompasses all segments – it’s not limited to luxury or value brands but is a key consideration for the majority of companies. The ‘race to embrace’ sustainable packaging is simultaneously one of the most challenging but exciting shifts in recent years.  

The rise of the mono-material

As recyclability becomes more the norm for packaging, consumers and brands alike are understanding the benefits of mono-materials.

Most companies are looking to reduce or eliminate the use of unnecessary single-use plastics in their products. For others though, plastics are a central component in their manufacturing or packaging process, and plastics can’t always be replaced.

For these brands, mono-material packaging provides a welcome solution. Rather than combining different materials which make recycling challenging, the mono-materials support the recycling and reuse of packaging, which is ideal for plastics.

Technical capability

In basic terms, when the general public think of ‘packaging design’ they tend think about color, imagery, texture and shape, and how well the package supports the sale of the product.

For brands and designers, these elements form part of the story – but not all of it. Technical considerations and the ability of materials to fulfil a defined role is also key. In reality, barrier properties, functionality, longevity, performance and appearance are crucial elements of great packaging design.

Packaging material adaptability

Brands and designers are demanding more from packaging materials than ever before. While environmental impact and recyclability are shaping packaging material decisions, packaging material ‘adaptability’ is increasingly a topic of discussion.

What we mean here is that brands and their designers no longer want to be pigeonholed with a choice of just a few materials for packaging which match the values of the brand. A typical example (but one that can be replicated across multiple sectors) is often organic or natural cosmetics where packaging materials can be limited to ‘plain’ finishes because the material is recyclable. Such materials are sometimes at odds with the brand’s high-end products and branding.

Increasingly, brands are demanding more packaging materials that continue to match their company values and their consumer’s wishes in terms of sustainability, but likewise compliment the luxe or chic appeal of their products.

packaging for kitchen appliances