Packaging premiumization without transparent windows

Packaging premiumization without transparent windows

In mid-May, one of Italy’s leading pasta brands, sold worldwide, announced that it was removing the plastic window from its boxed pasta in the UK, in a move to make its packaging eco-friendlier.

The removal of the transparent window was part of the brand’s commitment to sustainable practices and making the packaging 100% recyclable in the UK. Consumers applauded the move.

"Some consumers suggested they had stopped buying from the brand because they had an issue with the plastic window, so the decision to remove it was welcomed. The response shows just how important recyclability is for consumers and how positive small changes can be for brands,"

Giancarlo, Vice President Marketing and Sales, Europe.

While the brand’s packaging is undoubtedly better for the environment, the question of shelf appeal is also likely  to be a consideration. ‘Adding transparent windows to packaging is really a case of ‘show, not tell.’ Allowing the consumer to assess products for themselves allows brands to showcase quality. Removing the plastic window is fantastic for the environment, but it leaves brands with a challenge: how can they maintain shelf appeal? In the long-term, brands that change packaging will be looking to ensure they’re not losing market share. If they are, they will look for ways to incorporate greater shelf appeal with sustainable materials,’ says Giancarlo.

Product premiumization: the role of printers and converters

For printers and converters, the removal of plastic windows can simplify the manufacturing process: fewer components can make for easier productions. That said, with brands closely monitoring how packaging alterations change buyer behavior, printers and converters can expect to be asked if they can see any ‘quick wins’ that maintain premiumization and brand status without compromising shelf appeal.

Brands are increasingly turning to printers and converters for solutions to ask how they can maintain shelf appeal using recyclable materials for packaging.

How our metallized papers can support printers and converters

Metallized paper can be an ideal solution: it is easily integrated into the supply chain; it is easy for printers and converters to work with, and simultaneously gives stand out looks to packaging.

‘Our papers add instant appeal to packaging with metallized looks which customers find very attractive. Thinking back to the example of pasta,  our papers are ideal for board lamination and would be ideal for premium boxed pasta brands. Our products run on printing and converting machinery just like a plain paper, making integration and processing simple and effective. As a sustainable and recyclable product that increases shelf appeal, end-users, printers and converters can enjoy the benefits of metallized paper,’ says Giancarlo.


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