Packaging priorities

Packaging priorities

Here’s a quick look at today's packaging challenges and opportunities!

Taking steps towards a more sustainable future:

While progress is made on a potential United Nations Treaty on plastic pollution, the European Commission took a clear stand at the end of last year regarding environmental expectations for packaged goods. A new directive laid out targets for recyclability, reuse systems and the use of recycled materials. Investment in circular materials, sustainable transformation of business practices and tackling existing barriers to recyclability are fundamental questions.



Looking to alternative materials - especially paper:

The packaging sector is getting evermore creative when it comes to developing alternatives to plastics, such as products based on non-edible by-products of the food industry. Increasing numbers of companies are migrating to paper for some applications, with some big names in the confectionary sector opting for paper packaging. As barrier solutions for paper become increasingly effective, cost-effective and recyclable, expect to see more of it in the coming months.

Making packaging increasingly accessible and inclusive:

The packaging sector is starting to take part in wider conversations around inclusivity. Designers can help people with visual impairments, or who are colourblind or dyslexic, by giving thought to the colours, fonts and typefaces they use. 


Here at Nissha Metallizing Solutions, we’re committed to providing our partners and customers with recyclable packaging materials that help them uphold their sustainability commitments. To find out more about our papers and how we produce them, drop us a line.