Paper-based beauty packaging

Paper-based beauty packaging

As beauty products become more eco-friendly, how can paper-based packaging complement the sustainability trend?

As big-name brands look to reduce the amounts of plastic they use in their packaging, more and more companies are looking to innovate and rework their products. The result that traditional products like hair products are evolving in interesting and exciting ways.

Beauty products in bar form – once totally unheard of – are today becoming more and more widespread. Just recently, leading brand Dove announced that they were exploring solid skincare bars, joining the likes of Lush and Bar None who have offered solid haircare shampoos and conditioners for a while. 

Bamboo toothbrushes, washable cloths instead of cotton pads, wooden combs and hairbrushes, metal razors and glass containers are also more common – and realistically it’s a matter of when, not if, such products are more commonly used than plastic or single use equivalents. So, while eco-friendly packaging materials are on the rise, brands are faced with a new dilemma: with new products and consumers that are interested in buying them, packaging has to adapt quickly to the new sustainable status quo. Eco-friendly products in unrecyclable packaging is a contrast everyone is keen to avoid.

Why are premium looks so important?

While brands are keen to use fewer plastics in their packaging, they are also realistic: they don’t want to lose out on valuable sales or drop their shelf-appeal in already competitive markets.

What’s also abundantly clear from testing is that there is still a place for packaging: particularly in the beauty industry, packaging is central to hygiene, shelf appeal and the simple practicality of transporting a product between the store and home. 

Packaging that uses eco-friendly materials is therefore the answer.

Paper-based shelf appeal: the advantages of going paper-based

Many beauty brands have found the answer paper-based packaging for their products: as a recyclable, sustainable and plastic-free resource, it is often the perfect material to complement their eco-friendly products. 

Metallized paper in particular is an ideal finish that effortlessly bridges the gap between eco-friendly products and premium looks for packaging. Metallized papers are very versatile in terms of design and offer very high-end, premium looks that consumers expect – especially for luxury brands. Metallized papers are ideal for use in combination with paperboard products which are used extensively in the beauty industry. 

Using metallized finishes, brands maintain the glossy, shiny looks associated with their brand without compromising the recyclable characteristics of their product if it’s used with paper and card primary packaging – it’s the ultimate win-win.

About us

We are a global producer of metallized papers and our portfolio includes eco-friendly, recyclable finishes for packaging and labels for leading health and beauty brands that retain the glossy, premium, high-quality looks favored by brands and consumers.

Beauty packaging