Quality is key...

Quality is key...

...especially when partners like printers & converters rely on producers like us to produce a superior product. So how is AR Metallizing looking to develop quality even further?

'We're dedicated to achieving the highest standards of production within the company and creating products which are fantastic quality,' explains Bob Lariviere, Quality Manager at AR Metallizing's plant in Franklin. 'Quality is something that as a business, we don't see as static: we're always developing, reviewing and analyzing it.

US quality team at AR Metallizing
(L-R): Dave Blair (Quality Specialist), Amanda Love (Quality Technician), Jeff Towne (Quality Specialist), Bob Lariviere (Quality Manager).


In late 2018, AR Metallizing modernized their US quality department, requiring even more attention and dedication to quality. Anyone with a role in AR Metallizing's quality team has exceptional experience to bring to the table, with several decades of familiarity with the metallizing machines. 'Being able to have such highly-experienced employees overseeing quality is one of our competitive advantages,' explains David Blair, a Quality Specialist who has been with the company for more than 40 years.

Our quality team understand the requirements of printers, converters and the end customer.

'Our quality team understand the requirements of printers, converters and the end customer. It gives them a unique insight into just how good our product needs to be and extends well beyond a simple understanding of each component of our production, machines and products. It's this hands-on industry experience that is pushing the quality of our output to the next level and is created with our partners in mind,' says David.

Anyone who works with paper will know that the stakes are high: a single overlooked defect on a machine or a small scratch on the paper can have many repercussions – not only visually, but in the quality of whatever application our products are used for. ‘For this reason, we work extensively with the operators to look at any issues that might arise today, but also where they could potentially occur in the future’, explains Amanda Love, Quality Technician.

The team are attentive to any wrinkles or scratches, as well as the overall look of the paper after metallization. 'Practically, we're always looking to see a nice silver finish – not gray or dull, but bright silver – even if it isn't obvious to the casual observer, our team can spot this kind of defect quickly,' explains Jeff Towne, Quality Specialist in Franklin.

And what about the future? 'We already have great quality, but we're on a journey, rather than aiming to reach a destination. AR Metallizing is very proactive in its approach to quality, and it's something that as a team, individually and as a company, we're dedicated to improving even further,' adds Bob.

US quality team