Ready for Valentine's Day?

Ready for Valentine's Day?

We’re delighted to announce that our METIVO chocolate & twisting wrapper and metallized paper has been certified as recyclable by ATICELCA (Associazione tecnica italiana cellulosa e carta). 

Over the past year, consumers have been increasingly drawn to individually-wrapped chocolates and candies. Understandably, people are paying more attention than ever to hygiene, meaning that sales of pre-packaged, single-serve snacks and confectionery have boomed. What’s more, bright glossy wrappings are synonymous with fun and festive occasions - all the more reasons why we’ll likely be seeing even more... especially for Valentine's Day. 

valentine's day wrap


Our twisting chocolate wrappers are 90% paper-based, contain no plastic or aluminium foil and are wax-free, meaning there can be no MOSH/MOAH migration from wax lamination, meeting the needs of sustainability- and health-conscious customers. At the same time, printers and convertors will appreciate their optimal printability and dead fold behaviour. Our wrappers are available in festive silver and gold and can be easily printed in continuous and gradient tones thanks to their thin metallized layer. Excellent optical density also protects them from light and heat, helping ensure chocolates stay fresh throughout Christmas and beyond.

To find out more about METIVO chocolate & twisting wrapper and metallized paper, please get in touch with our team.
