Retirement Michael Koblitz (site manager Berlin, Germany)

Retirement Michael Koblitz (site manager Berlin, Germany)

Earlier this year, we said goodbye to our long-time plant manager Michael Koblitz into retirement. Unfortunately, it was not possible to organize a big farewell party. However, we did make the best of it with some incredibly delicious "goodbye" burgers from a food truck.

bye michael


There were some very personal farewell gifts and a collection, whereupon Michael decided to top up this amount, double it and donate 250 EUR each to "Die Berliner Tafel", "Die Björn Schulz Foundation", "Das Berliner Tierheim" and "Die Altenburger Schäferhund Hilfe ”.

With a big thank you for the many years of great cooperation, we wish Michael all the best for this new phase of life; relaxing times, adventures and journeys of discovery with the camper, and of course all of this with the best of health! We hope to see you again, because it will be  difficult for us to continue without your immense wealth of experience completely.