Secondary packaging for cosmetics

Secondary packaging for cosmetics

When it comes to cosmetics, secondary packaging involves more than functional containers. Beauty packaging should reflect its contents main purpose: showcasing fun, creativity and individual expression. Well-executed cartons with eye-catching aesthetics help products stand out on the shelf and create a perception of added value. Let’s take a look at how to build loyalty with beautiful boxes.

Vibrant colours are a great way to help products stand out and reinforce luxury or upscale brand positioning. But at the same time, softer, more muted looks with colorful or holographic accents are also popular, inviting consumers to pick products up and look at them more closely. What’s more, unique holographic effects can be used to guarantee brand authenticity and help combat counterfeiting


Boxes and cartons in unique shapes can add interest and help beauty products stand out. Rather than cylindrical or prism shapes, brands can opt for a “tube box” with a pop-off lid, an unusual opening mechanism or boxes with floating elements.

Last but not least, great packaging design depends strongly on having the right base materials to work with. Designers will look at paperboard density, scorability and convertibility, opting for materials that offer good looks and versatility while being easy to work with.

AR Metallizing offers 100% recyclable, high gloss packaging solutions that run like regular paper and enable you to create unique, eye-catching boxes. Get in touch with our team to find out more.