Short portrait: Pawel Wojtas

Short portrait: Pawel Wojtas

In 2009 I started working as a student trainee in the Berlin quality laboratory, at that time still under Novelis. I became familiar with the machines, people and processes in the plant for the first time. Two years later, I wrote my master’s thesis on the subject of reducing set-up times for a laminating and coating machine. I’ve always been interested in this. After graduating, I got the opportunity to work as a production engineer in. Now after 10 years, I will be appointed as production manager on March 1st to support the company in a managing position.

In my new position as production manager, my expectation is that the market will continue to change, so the challenge will be to implement new products on the existing machines. Another goal is to simplify and standardize our wide variety of product specifications. I am very much looking forward to moving forward here with my colleagues.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Before the outbreak of the corona pandemic, I was mostly spotted at the swimming pool or traveling. Since, neither is currently possible, I try to explore the Berlin area by bike. I also got married last year and am happy to have my own family.