In the spotlight: Anna Cagliero

In the spotlight: Anna Cagliero

I have always worked at ARM, and in January of this year I celebrated 40 years of work with the company. I started working in 1980 (I was a baby myself!) in the Rotoflex division of Calandri Piero which then became Rotoflex Metallized Paper. I have therefore seen the company be born, grown, and then suffer…and after to be reborn thanks to the acquisition by AR Metallizing in 2009. I have experienced difficulties, successes and changes over the years, and I can proudly say that currently I am working for a great and prestigious international company.

You can imagine how many people I have been working with, share experiences with and meet over the years. Whether it’s been for long periods or even just for a short time, each of them have left me with something that has helped me to grow professionally but also, and above all, grow as a person.

My role has always been accountant, and I can say that I like it because it offers variety, I never had career ambitions but I have always worked with great commitment and dedication with the belief that even the most humble jobs is still important at all times, if done well.

"I like new challenges that are a great stimulus for me and an opportunity to grow"

I like new challenges that are a great stimulus for me and an opportunity to grow, even if initially they scare me…my very patient colleagues in IT know something about this!

I had never experienced working from home in all my 40 years of activity until some months ago. I thought it was not even possible, but I must say that I have changed my opinion: a few documents and mental reorganization is enough, and now I feel very comfortable. The only thing I miss is direct contact with colleagues, the exchange of a joke during our coffee break and some gossip!

Outside of work, I am a classic mother and I’m a grandmother to an 18-month-old. I really like cooking for my family and playing with my granddaughter. In the scarce time that remains I enjoy to go on bike rides and walks in our beautiful mountains in the company of friends.

Ana Cagliero


Those who really know me, say that I am a dreamer and I always have my head in the clouds. I am also a little artistic: I like drawing, painting, embroidering and knitting and I can spend hours creating small objects or creative games for my granddaughter…it really relaxes me!