In the spotlight: Linda Lekens

In the spotlight: Linda Lekens

I am 37 years old and I work in the HR department at AR Metallizing. At the end of 2020, I will be working for the company for three years. 

After my studies as a Social Assistant with a focus in social advice, I held several roles. My first job took me to General Motors in the port of Antwerp, where I was responsible for the wages of the expats and inpats. I only did this for a few months, because I was given the opportunity to work at the VDAB (Employment and Vocational Training Office) where I also did my internship. For a year and a half, I guided jobseekers into jobs and helped start up a youth unemployment plan. After I moved to a different village, I searched a new job and became a consultant for a service voucher company in Tongeren. Two years later I set up the office in Hasselt and ran it for four years. After six years it was time for something new and I did two short jobs of about a year each with a construction company and a social secretariat.

I eventually joined AR Metallizing in 2017, as an HR Officer. My work is very diverse; I am responsible for the process of the monthly payroll, the holiday pay and the end-of-year bonus. In addition, I am also looking for suitable temporary employees who can come and strengthen us in production. I also handle questions from employees, requests for luncheon vouchers etc.

AR Metallizing is a place where you can develop yourself and you can also work very independently!

"AR Metallizing is a place where you can develop yourself and you can also work very independently!"

In addition to my work, I have a household to run at home, as my fiancé works at the airport and often has long days. I have two young daughters, which means a lot of time goes to them after my working hours.        

In the free time I have left, I like to do three of them is jogging, an ideal outlet after a busy day. Last year I also ran my first 5 km, quite a milestone for someone who never liked to run!                  

My second hobby is sewing, mainly children's clothes. When I find the time, I sew a skirt or a blouse for my daughters. During the Covid-19 outbreak, the demand for mouth masks is very high. Therefor, I have already produced 200 since the end of April.

I’m also really interested in history, especially World War II. Every year I read several books on this subject, ranging from biographies to non-fiction stories, and I visit historical sites. Two years ago, I visited Auschwitz in Poland. It was February and -22 degrees; a very captivating and overwhelming journey.