In the spotlight: Noemi Fornetti

In the spotlight: Noemi Fornetti

noemi9 years ago, I started working in AR Metallizing where I have thankfully been able to deal with many issues mainly related to the planning and the implementation of IT systems.

Thanks to this experience, and to of the utilization of we have been able to improve IT efficiency. Also we have improved some procedures related to customer service; such as shipments, reel labeling and the issuing of documents.

In recent years I have seen the company grow in many aspects and by working together, as individual workers, we have a more global vision of our business and at the same time of the daily work. I enjoy sharing ideas and experiences in order to create structure  for the most optimal work process. 

2020 required an extraordinary spirit of adaptation of everyone. Not only in Italy but  in the world. From a work point of view, it required radical and sudden changes of direction with the pandemic impacting everyone’s personal life. I think of my team, of those who had to manage the school education of their children from one day to the next.  Or to those who were fearful of the virus contaminating loved ones...

Our team (Diego Gariglio, Laura Gonella, Branca Muller, Monica Minetti and Francesca Minozzi) have shown exceptional dedication to their work and availability. Their proactiveness has made me proud and inspired me. 

We quickly found ways to work smartly and effectively while guaranteeing safety measures and social distancing...Thanks to the great effort of our IT team, we were all able to work from home, as if we were in the office. After a test phase in which we all carried out one day working from home per  week, we are all alternating today in home and office working. 

Obviously, smart working, albeit excellent for being able to maintain safety and hygiene protocols, does bring challenges for the way we manage our work. In this it has been fundamental to make the best use of our IT systems  that we have in place. For an enthusiast like me, to focus on the technology was interesting and exciting to focus on new possibilities. For example, the use of Teams has allowed us to work in groups even though we are physically located in different places. This has been a complete new experience for us. 

Another example is the use of shared Outlook calendars that allows us to communicate in a streamlined manner with the warehouse, inserting documents and lists as attachments. It shows who works from home or who is on vacation. This platform is accessible to everyone in order to make each of us as independent as possible.

Then with the telephone app we are able to to communicate without problems with production as we normally do. Electronic invoicing with the support of Denise Oitana and Mauro Bruno to automatize this process led to the fact that next year all paper archives related to invoicing and the issuance of orders will no longer be necessary.

In the era to focus on global sustainability, I am proud to say that in 2021 our team will become paper free in almost all areas of our work. By making this step all information is available through the system or server  to everyone at all times.  The pandemic has been a great challenge to deal with for us all but it did force us to think and work outside of the box. With the result that today we are more effective as one team!

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