What are the advantages of switching to eco-friendly packaging?

What are the advantages of switching to eco-friendly packaging?

Despite the upheavals stemming from COVID-19, sustainability continues to be a major concern for consumers, leading increasing numbers of companies to rethink the ecological impact of the materials they work with. Committing to more eco-friendly packaging comes with several major advantages. Here are just three of them:

  1. A reduced carbon footprint: this one might seem obvious, but packaging accounts for around 5% of the energy output in the lifecycle of a food product. By switching to truly eco-friendly packaging that’s not only recyclable, but also produced through energy-efficient processes that use fewer materials, companies can ensure they have an all-round more positive impact on the environment.
  2. A head start on sustainability objectives: regulators are paying close attention to the environmental impact of packaging. The European Green Deal aims to make all packaging recyclable by 2030, but many materials, such as plastics, remain complex and expensive to recycle despite advances in technology. Metallized paper is a monomaterial that’s not only fully recyclable, but also runs smoothly on conventional printing and converting machinery, ensuring a streamlined transition to sustainability. 
  1. The chance to benefit from exciting new technology: eco-friendly packaging doesn’t mean plain corrugated board and brown paper. Innovative processes such as metallized vacuum vaporisation mean that recyclable materials such as paper can now offer comparable performance, durability and aesthetics to other, less eco-friendly options. 


To find out how your company can transition to more sustainable packaging materials, get in touch with the AR Metallizing team.
