Why is metallized paper ideal for wet-strength labels?

Why is metallized paper ideal for wet-strength labels?

Consumer demand for bottled beverages has increased considerably over the past few years, leading to significant competition in the sector. While taste and product quality are obviously major differentiators, label design also plays a significant role in inciting consumers to choose one product over another. Metallized paper constitutes ideal facestock for premium wet-strength labels. Here’s why:

It helps beverage brands stand out on the shelf

Food and beverages is one sector where people still prefer to purchase in- store rather than online. Metallized paper-based wet strength labels are ideally suited to in-store conditions, as their high gloss factor combined with bright lighting will ensure they catch the eye of browsers. What’s more, it’s worth remembering that people naturally associate gloss and shine with premium products.

It’s both durable and recyclable

Wet-strength labels obviously have to pass the ice bucket test, i.e stand up to being submerged in water without peeling off or disintegrating. They also have to resist high stress bottling and sorting environments, as well as transportation and storage. Our metallized paper labels are conceived to stay looking good throughout the entire product lifecycle. What’s more, they will not fall apart, nor will their ink run, in the caustic bath used for label removal before bottle reuse.